Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

We miss you Rizky Amirul H.

kyyyy.......udah sebulan aja ya lo nggak ada. Asli ky, kelas sepi looohhh. Kalo kelas Jerman udah nggak ada sasaran lagi Ky hehe you know what ky, kita semua kangen loh sama lo. Kmrn gue mimpiin lo ky, serius deh. Di mimpi gue lo dateng ke kelas, terus kita semua pada bilang "UEL GUE KANGEN SAMA LO" ehhhhh lonya malah diem aja.

Gimana ky? enak nggak disana? kangen nggak sama kita semua? haha Asassin rasanya nggak lengkap sekarang walaupun mechin sama fariz udah masuk. tetep aja kayak ada yang kurang. udah nggak ada yang gangguin gue lagi, nggak ada yang latahin evy lagi, gak ada yang suka ngomong "sok damai deh lo" haha kangen. Maybe your happy now in heaven. udah tenang ya ky nggak mikirin pelajaran lagi? haha wherever you are, whoever your is now. Asassin really miss you Rizky Amirul H. seriously you'll always in our mind&heart.

Rest In Peace, Rizky Amirul H.

And this is gonna be our last pict (Asassin goes to Bandung KM 19)

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Try to do something

Competition. satu kata yang gue pikirkan, ketika gue mau nulis ini di blog. Ekskul gue disekolah basket, itu berhubungan dengan competition, sebuah games pasti ada yang menang dan ada yang kalah. juara 1 gak mungkin ada 2 (dalam pertandingan basket), juara 2 juga gak mungkin ada 2. yang namanya juara pasti cuma 1, maka dari itu kita harus berusaha jadi yang terbaik itulah. To the point aja deh. why we must afraid to do something to be a SOMETHING BETTER!why we must afraid to lose, whereas we practice and learn

kenapa? karena kalah itu sesuatu yang memalukan? something that show if we are loser or afraid people despise us. Apa salahnya mencoba? gue yakin atlit-atlit yang udah jago sekarang juga pernah kalah. contohnya aja yang gampang Taufik Hidayat yang sering kita liat di tv, dia terkenal banget kan sebagai atlit yang "jago" badminton, tapi kenyataannya dia juga pernah kalah. itu tuh yang namanya atlit sejati not afraid of defeat. But, try to be a winner. Try to be something better, try to be the best of the best. We never know what happen in future, if we give up now. The fast is we live in reality, not always happy ending. But, we can make sad ending to be happy ending if we want to try, and NOT AFRAID to try something.Pelatih gue pernah bilang "kalian masih belajar, wajar kalo masih salah. gak ada salah nyoba, kalo ada tanding-tanding gitu ikut aja, menang/kalah urusan belakangan" itulah yang gue camkan saat ini. Tapi pandangan itu selalu disalah artikan sama temen-temen gue yang lain. Kalo sekarang sih udah whatever they say deh.

"if you're not making mistakes, you're not taking risks, and that means you're not going anywhere. The key is to make mistakes faster than competition, so you have more change to learn and win"
-John W. Holt, Jr.

Amazing. keren banget itu qoutes, semua yang gue tulis. Intinya cuma itu, ada di qoutenya John W. Holt. He's true, we must more brave to taking risks, if we afraid for taking a risks, we're not going anywhere. We would stuck! it's means we're loser. Thanks for read, and try to be winner:)

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011


I love this class too much.
i love when we together. spend our time with laugh, smile, joke, and everything that make our day was fun. i love when we laugh together, tell our story. joke. and anything. i love when we show to another class if we're solid:)

can make me so happy
can forget my problem
so understand of us
caring of each other

when, August 22th 2011, we had a......breakfasting together. it's like random dinner:D at KFC tebet, kita janjian jam 4, tapi sampe jam 4 pun gue nggak tau mau takein tempat sama siapa. pare gabisa(parah lo re). ikki gak ada kendaraan, yauda akhirnya gue telfon gilang dan dia bisa nemenin gue buat take tempat(Big thanks ya lang) but we thinks that's not enough for stayed at kfc only, dan kita mutusin buat jalan ke monas.

oke, we just agree with that's idea. and here we go, Monas. But, the situation is not for us. Traffic jam was so sucks! can you believed? jam 8 aja masih di kuningan, sementara kita caw dari kfc jam 7. Oke, maybe we must change that plan, Monas maybe for the next destination for us. And change to be go to EPICENTRUM. maybe it's better than monas. that's a good idea from girls. finally, we arrived at Epicentrum on 8.15pm and drinked at Comic Cafe. and stayed in there until 9.30pm. That was gonna be crazy night for Assasin. that was awesome. we had a joke, tell story, and absolutely take some photos. That's was FUN:D thanks for the precious time, ASSASIN:)

keep Rock!
and Keep Solid.
Love ya:D

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

New C.L.A.S.S

hello. with me again. long time no post!new life. new people. new friends. new classmates. new chairmate. new teacher. new knowledge. and NEW LOVE!
how color our life. every hour, every minute, every second, it's must changed. Life must go on. let's we start to tell my story.

First, my new class was so bored. feel so different with my old class, XC. but time go on, finally i feel so comfortable with my class XI IS 2. i feel enjoy, really, really enjoyed. i feel we're care. not that words that i can say, beside I LOVE THIS CLASS TO MUCH{}:* you rock guys!!! keep rock, keep solid. we are family. ASSASIN.

New friends. i love ASSASIN's friendship. we're not group, but we're all together! i love how we are SOLID. KEEP ROCKIN GUYS evy, caca, karlina, ara, hilwa, vika, nanda, yumna, danty, kania, karin, karina, jasmin, iren, uray, ega, diana, aci, gilang, reza, miguel, mecin, naufal, delpri, pare, fariz, faiz, aris, adiv, alvin, gilman, ikki, zein, dll. Hope we're can solid until........whatever!forever maybe:D

and i know whoever you are. we are friends. and for you, i know it's denial. so, i ignore this feeling for you. but, thanks for that smile, and laugh. keep friendship!

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

I Addict to................

I addict to.............

since i knew the song title "JET LAG" that's song so amazing! so make me miss someone in there. waaaaaaaaaaaa i feel so fly every listen this song.
here it is JET LAG

What time is it where you are?
I miss you more than anything
Back at home you feel so far
Waitin for the phone to ring
It's gettin lonely livin upside down
I don't even wanna be in this town
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
so jetlagged

What time is it where you are?
5 more days and i'll be home
I keep your picture in my car
I hate the thought of you alone
I been keeping busy all the time
Just to try to keep you off my mine
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
so jetlagged

I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I wanna share your horizon
I miss you so bad
And see the same sunrising
I miss you so bad
Turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you....
when You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

My New Family V&S, Soulizer

VNS(Voiceless and Soulastic) dan tentunya Soulizer yang setia banget sama VNS. kebetulan gue pengurus Soulizer. *ehem* iya gue ngerasa nyaman banget sama mereka kalo lagi ngumpul rasanya gak pengen pulang. seneng banget ngedenger banyolan mereka, dan advice mereka yang top abis. apalagi kak tegar sama kak edgar kalo ngasih advice wah mantablah. kak jordan yang gak berenti ngebanyol, sumpah bisa sampe sakit perut deh kalo dia ngebanyol hahaha kak uap yang selalu care sama Soulizer, dan si kk ganteng Ka Raka yang stay cool, kadang suka ngelawak dengan tampang flatnya haha

pokoknya seru deh sama mereka.




waaaaa miss you. terakhir ketemu di rumah kak Tegar, rame banget disana. seru banget. wah gokil lah pokoknya. sekrang kita ;agi nyiapin gathering ke 2 dirumahnya kak Edgar. anyone join? seru loh acaranya, rame banget. jangan takut garing, dan kalopun kalian belom kenal sama VNS dan Soulizer yang lain, tenang aja VNS baik baik kok, mereka semua ramah. kalo kalian udah jadi Soulizer kan berarti udah bagian dari the big family of Soulizer, jadi jangan takut nganggur sendirian. bengong-bengong. gaakan. gathering ke 2 pasti lebih seru(y)

oiya, ini info kalo kalo kalian mau join Soulizer/gatheringnya juga boleh banget. sekalian nama sekolahnya aja nih, siapa tau kebetulan ada yang satu sekolah/sekolahnya deket sama kalian yang mau daftar. ayo tunggu apalagi? hub:
Putri(@PutriOctvn) - SMA Al-Azhar Pejaten
Ninit(@nitninit) - SMAN 26 Jakarta
Ithan(@thanci) - SMAN 60 Jakarta
Denna(@dennaaaw) - SMAN 82 Jakarta
Mega(@megasubandi) - SMAN 34 Jakarta

at Kak Tegar's House. Ampera. July 9th 2011

I Call It Love

love for sure not only for boyfriend
love is universal
we can love everybody. parents. friends.!
i love they because i can to be my self.
if i there's beside them i can explore my hobby, story, and anything
we're laugh together. we're chated. we're cry. we're talk about anything
i love the situation when they beside me
i love the situation when i pict some pictures with them
i love when i said anything about my famz, crush, school.
i love to listening they story, crush, boyf, school. Anything!
Love you geng Fahradina&Nabilacls

Starbucks Coffee. Plaza Senayan. June 5th 2011

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Cewek berani susah itu (y)

gue baru pulang dari basket dan nyadar kalo modem gak mogok mogok lagi bufferingnya, langsung post karena udah lama gak ngepost.
ini adalah perjalanan kerumah yang...............berkesan. kenapa? karena selama perjalan gue dinasehatin abis abisan sama orang ini, dan gak tau kenapa gue wake up dengan tiba-tibanya setelah dia ngomong gitu.
gitu banget ya gue? iya sih yang dia blg itu bener? eh tapi gue gak suka kayak gitu! tapi bener, gue ini cewek manja yang gak mau susah. gue mau enaknya aja. dia bener!

that's what i'm thinking after he said something or whatever to me. it's like advice that make me wake up and see the world out side *oke gue tau ini lebay* but the fact is............he's 1000000% TRUE! That's right i hate my fuckin' spoiled.

iya, jadi di perjalanan gue itu dia tiba tiba aja bilang "naik umum dong nit sekali kali, masa mau enaknya terus. susah sekali kali, ngerasain gimana susah, jadi di bawah. jangan mau enaknya terus. kalo cewek berani susah. gini nih (y)" sip banget ya, itu nusuk banget loh.
i know if what he said to me is true. gak etis emang kalo gue selalu mau enaknya aja. di dunia ini masih banyak kok orang yang lebih susah dari gue, masih banyak yang dibawah gue. tapi gue yang udah gede(merasa banget!) emang udah harus mandiri. emang udah harus see the real world. see the cruel world. don't just look the beautiful and good part of this world. this world is big. to many things that must we feel and see in this world. in this life. in the "real" life.

a life it's just who want those to fight

life it's not just a luxury. but also
the suffering and distress
-Nida Riandita

all that lives, lives forever.
only the shell, the perishable passes away.
The spirit is without
end. eternal. deathless. namaste. nocte.

All life is an experiment.
The more experiments you make the better.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Independent.starting from your own.
this girl must to be an independent
girl, because in the future, we must also
have to defend ourselves.
for her self and another absolutely

oke that's it.
hoping to be a better person.
forgeted about dignity.
if they sell short to us, it's must they dindn't!!!

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

The song

Alexa - Tak kan pernah bisa

Semakin dalam ku merindukanmu
Semakin jauh kau pergi dariku
Semakin jauh ku mencintaimu
Semakin dalam kau hancurkan aku

Aku tak kan pernah bisa
Tak kan pernah bisa
Bersama, bersama, bersamamu
Ku tak kan pernah bisa

Semakin jauh ku mencintaimu
Semakin dalam kau hancurkan aku

Back to Reff:

Bersama, bersama, bersamamu
Ku tak kan pernah bisa
Tak kan pernah bisa
Tak kan pernah bisa
Tak kan pernah bisa
Tak kan pernah bisa

gak tau kenapa ya ini lagu ngena banget. lagu lama padahal. tapi sukanya sampe sekarang. the true story of my life, maybe! but i love this lyrics

Last Tuesday Night

Last Tuesday Night!!
We got a day ever.
We got a crazy day ever.
We got the best laug and talking together.
We got what we can't get in yesterday, yesterday
We got your Smile :)

we care.
we are solid.
we loved.
we like to other.
we care
of each other.

Never lost

i love they just the way they do
i care of them
i never want to lost this moment
i still want with they

thanks for the best moment ever
thanks for your day
thanks for the greatest Tuesday ever
thanks for the nice smile
thanks for all this time

me love you:)

part of Blastor-Xc,
Nida Riandita

Qoute For Today

"Ngerasa sedih itu
bukan pada saat gak ada seseorang di samping kita,
melainkan pada saat kita bahagia
tapi gakada yang bisa kita ajak ketawa"

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Good News

yesterday would be a precious day. because A REAL LIFE start from yesterday. pembagian rapot dan penjurusan.
and I'd got SOCIAL class. yeah no prob! i happy, i am not science freak. i am a human that loved social:D because i still want have fun. and enjoy my young life.

lets we make our day will be beautiful and great! we're young. we want have fun, we want happy. anything that make us happy. it's Social class :D and i hope i can get SNMPTN in social. amin!
Caio Ninit:D study hard from now
and you'll get SNMPTN. AMINNNN!!

Young Girl,
Nida Riandita

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

The Fuckin' Life

I don't know why, lately my life so freak. unclear. awkward. and totally bored

something that you must through
weight or whatever
we have keep living it

So, what do you think about your future?
believe or not. until now i dunno my Future. damn huh? i know! i got my own way, and my parents always told me to be someone isn't me really. i am enough tired with this all. i know what are said to me is the best. but please mom, dad i have my own way. okay? i am not kid anymore. i know what is good and bad to me. i know what is I LIKE and DIDN'T! in the fact, i had an ambition. but i know my parents certainly underestimate my future.
and it's enough my fuckin' story

people that always beside us
that support us
always together, no matter what happen

*fakesmile* i don't know their anymore. seriously, i hate them for now. it called a friend? OH! the fuckin' friends. the worst friends. the worst people in my life. damn. why God must unite me to them. instead of friends it should always beside us? instead of friends it should always support us? we sad together, but why at the happy moment you just both?without me? OK it's hurt!
and it's enough to show me if they is the worst people in my live

the place to seek knowledge
the place that should be
confort place besides home

AH! it's too SUCKS. i can't describe about my school. it's totally SUCKS

A girl who hope everythings back to normal,
Nida Riandita

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

If my boyfriend said this to me, i'll be speechless.

i found this from tumblr

Girl : Forget you
Boy : Forget you too
Girl : I hate you, you never loved me
Boy : I NEVER LOVED YOU?! Tell me why I go the extra distance. Tell me why I take a 3hour bus to see you at 5AM in the morning. Tell me why I come and visit you at least once a month. I'm only 15. I can't drive, but I take the effort to come see you, even when it's in the pouring rain. Tell me why whenever you hang up, I'm always the one that calls you back until you pick up? Tell me why I always text you, just so you can reply back, so I know that you're okay. Tell me why I care for you so much? Tell me why I changed for you? I quit smoking, I quit rolling, I quit my gang bang crap, and all my bad ways just to be with you. You never asked me to, but I did. You know why? Cause I'd do anything to be with you.

what a selfish girl, right?

A girl hope not like the girl in that story,
Nida Riandita

Senin, 20 Juni 2011


Evos is the event of our school SMAN 26 Jakarta. this event is like class meeting every one year. i played basketball girl on this event. My team is Suci, Vina, Rara, Ovi, Amira, Lidya, Diandra. we played the first day of EVOS. and I'm really nervous. we played versus Social Class, and in Social Class there's our senior ka Rara, and ka Risa. yeay:D

walaupun sempet gerogi juga ngelawan mereka, cause they is better than us! but......impossible we WON. yeayyyyy!! we won with score 14-2. and we played again in FINAL! we will play with IA class. sebenernya pas tanding sama Final agak kurang lancar dan menyenangkan karena ada "kejadian" yang mungkin emang gue akui kurang menyenangkan di mata kakak kelas. but a god news is WE WON AGAIN! and TO BE A WINNER;D so glad of this victory
this is some photos from Last day, EVOS


hai! baru aja selesai tawis dari sekolah dan sekarang baru sempet post lagi. dari acara itu gue dapat beberapa informasi dan pelajaran.

Jadi, di hari pertama itu. pas materi ke-2 itu kan motivator gitu, dan motivatornya ngasih liat kita video yang sangat sangat memberikan pelajaran buat gue. video itu menampilkan cewek bisu dan kurang dipendengarannya. Tapi dia sangat menyukai alat musik Violin. dari kecil dia hobi banget main violin,tapi ya gitu nadanya pasti berantakan dan suatu hari pas dia kecil dia melihat kakek pengemis di pasar bermain Violin dia sangat menyukai permainan kakek tersebut. sampai dia dewasa dia tetap bermain violin tapi hobinya itu selalu diremehkan sama kakak kandungnya sendiri yang sempurna, kakaknya tidak cacat dan dia bermain piano. Akhirnya dia putus asa dan tidak mau bermain Violin lagi. karena sedih dia melihat kakek pengemis yang dilihatnya pas kecil di pasar.
mereka berbicara bahasa isyarat dan ini ada textnya.

si kakek: "you still play the violin?"
dan si cewek langsung nangis.
si Cewek: "why am i different from others?"
si kakek: "why do you have to be like others? Music is visible thing. close your eyes and you will see"

ternyata kakek yang main Violin itu juga bisu. dia nggak bisa bicara dan ngga bisa denger, sama kayak cewek itu. dia latihan. latihan. latihan. kayak yang di kasih tau sama kakek itu caranya. close your eyes, and you will see. akhirnya dia dan kakaknya ikut lomba. dan giliran si cewek ini semua juri bengong karena permainannya sangat bagus. dan dialah juaranya.

dari cerita ini sih gue belajar. belajar dan belajar lagi. Dia aja yang nggak sempurna bisa, apalagi gue yang lahir dalam keadaan sempurna. gue pasti bisa ngejar cita-cita dan mimpi gue. dan satu lagi kita jangan memandang orang seperti si cewek sebelah mata.
kembali lagi gue mengingat pribahasa "nobody's perfect" setiap orang yang sempurna dalam hal fisik belum tentu sempurna di dalam hal lainnya, dan kebalikannya setiap orang yang kurang dalam fisik pasti punya kelebihan di bidang lainnya. Tuhan itu emang adil:)

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Quote For Today

"Life will teach you how to Love. And Love will teach you how to Live"

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011


HAPPY IS....................

When you like and feel to enjoy with

your activity and something what do you like

or what do you love

When They're beside you, your besties, your family

or your love

people are just as happy as they make up their minds to be
(Abraham Lincolin)

The purpose of our lives is to be happy
(Dalai Lama)

I'm so happy because today i found my my friends-they're in my head
(Kurt Cobain)

At times in my life the only place i have been Happy is when I am on stage
(Bob Dylan)

You can be happy when you are
(Joel Osteen)

very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking
(Marcus Aurelius)

Happy. I'm happy because i still have each other around my life, people that love, and care of me. My family, My Best Friends, and My classmate. thanks for make my day full of colors, thanks for make my day full of laugh:D

i can't describe HOW-I'M-SO-HAPPY-TO-HAVE-YOU:)

nice to know you

sedih emang nggak bisa milikin orang yang kita sayang, cuma bisa ngeliat dia bahagia dari jauh, cuma bisa ngeliat dia bisa ketawa sama orang lain, tapi itu bukan kita.

with they can laugh
with you!

gue gak menampik kalau gue BAHAGIA bisa kenal sama lo, bisa tau lo siapa, kehidupan masa lalu lo, pernah deket sama lo. gue seneng. tapi gue maunya happy ending, not sad ending. all the reason why i keep single, and i happy every doing my activity it's because you. if you happy with not i'm beside you, i'll happy too. everything that can make you happy, it's enough for me. mungkin setelah ini gue......maksudnya, kita ga akan deket lagi, ketemu mungkin. Tapi keadaannya TIDAK seperti dulu lagi, dan TIDAK seintensif dulu lagi. tapi kalau itu ngebuat gue bisa lupa sama lo ya sihlakan. tapi satu hal, gue akan tetep inget sama lo.

thanks for everything ya boy, keep say 19 and keep smile. i know you'll be better without me around you:')

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

random feel

gue gak tau harus ngomong gimana lagi, gue bukan siapa-siapanya dia, gue bukan pacar atau sahabatnya dia, dia gak lebih dari....hmm apa ya nyebutnya...hmm...kenangan masa lalu, iya itu aja deh. dia cuma kenangan masa lalu gue yang.....sempet menjadi orang yang penting bagi gue. sekarang hubungan gue sama doi udah sangat memburuk. dan disaat memburuk memburuknya hubungan gue datanglah sebuah cerita dari temen gue yang bernama Faniy dan Ithan yang menceritakan masalah yang menyangkut masalah gue dan DIA....DANG! seperti yang kita sebelumnyapun gue pernah ada masalah besar sama dia dan melaporkan masalahnya gue adalah Chacha. why?why?why?why must him? the boy that i can't see, i can't know, and i can't remember about him again. kenapa setiap masalah selalu ada nama dia, selalu berhubungan sama dia, masalah yang keliyengan dan gatau mana yang bener dan mana yang salah. kenapa sih harus selalu dia?kalo gitu kapan gue bisa lepas dari doi? kalo setiap masalah selalu menyangkut dia, ada nama DIA. kan capek lama lama kalo selalu dihubung hubungin sama dia. capek kalo emangnya gue sama dia gak ada apa apa sama dia tapi selalu dihubung hubungin, capek di kata-katain terus sama dia.

looking someone who doesn't care of me

sometimes just for looking his happy it's enough for me, and now i looking her there's beside him. and i try to keep smile in front of him:')

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

A Rocket To The Moon Concert

on 14Th May 2011 i had a great day ever!!!!!!!!!! the great and cool Saturday ever!!!! i meet NICK SANTINO, i saw him, i heard they sing in front of my eyes, i laud to him!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAA wanna scream again for him. yes i came they concert A Rocket To The Moon:D i can't describe to for how experienced my fell to saw their concert

and once again thanks for my girls ayu putri octaviani, nadya ariana, and putri karina for being me to watch A Rocket To The Moon's concert. and thanks too for metsa, anggia, nurul and fathia because you change my voucher to be a ticket, and waiting me to take that ticket, thanks so much guys. sorry to made your waiting for me:)

and here we go! the first The Downtown Fiction, i don't know what kind of that band, but i must admit if a vocalist of that band it's so HOT! hahaha yaaaps camelon:) and the next Hey Monday. i don't know too who's this band, but they're performance that was cool!!!! i love the vocalist style. And that we've been waiting for A ROCKET TO THE MOON after long wait them. he in to the stage, and NICK make me wanna scream and jump to saw you. the first they sang 'on your side' I'm enjoy with they're performance, until they sing 'baby blue eyes' that's my favorite song and absolutely 'not a second to waste' we sing together, we jump together, we scream together. and they're sing 'LIKE WE USED TO' and i love Nick's faced when his sing that song. And Closed with 'Mr. Right' after finished Mr. Right they're in to backstage and we back to held and search the food because more than 5 hours we stood and just drink mineral water, and it's very tired
i have some photos of Nick Santino. Just Nick Santino.

Nick Santino


(right-left) pute-ninit-nadya-putri

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

I Love Basketball

long time no post. busy with the fuckin activities yes! I'm tired with this activities. kita baru aja selesai SCOOTER(cup of SMAN 14 Jakarta) capeknya nampol lah, dan kita cuma bisa masuk perempat final aja:( maybe next time we can to be a winner....AMIN!!) but CONGRATULATION FOR BASKETBALL BOY FOR GOT 2ND POSITION! *\:)/* but i give a big applause for basketball girl and boy:D

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

just wanna waiting you

the girl who wanna waiting him,
Nida Riandita

Kamis, 21 April 2011

I Called It Best♥

The best partner forevah
Nida Riandita & Fahradina Putri

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Keep What Do You Think It's Good

Don't leave the people that love you, don't leave them. because even if he goes he will never return and the biggest regret in life we will come.

I learn from the experience itself, there are really the same person I love but I'm really a waste of affection that she gave to me. after that he left. and I'm very sorry that he had wasted

I get this words from on of the blog:

You can only push a boy away for so long
Until he walks out of your life
On his own
So be careful and make sure this is
What You Want
Because once he turn a r o u n d
He isn't coming back

It's enough to show us if don't waste your mine
because once he leave he's never come back

My eyes scroll. think something. think again. I had wasted him. I have wasted valuable time, God give me a good chance but wasted that time, i choose another person that worst than him. And it's TRUE! he never come back. We just need see what in front of us eyes, don't look that impossible things and the person that we don't know, look the deepest heart, look how he loving us. not who is their!

So, don't ever wasted the person in front of your eyes!

You can live without the person who can love you just the way you are. You have to live with the people that love us. That care with us. That know who we are. This is not about that quote but it's about how we trough this live with the true person, and how we can choose the true person. All that happens, make it as a lesson.

who try to smile,
Nida Riandita

Waiting! The Worst Job

who sit waiting her love,
Nida Riandita

It's Time To Move On

enough for loving you, enough for like you. enough!enough! I'm tired with all this. tired with your act, tired with you attitude. your act like you don't really care to me. it's plenty to me! to show if we'll not together.

maybe, you never know what I'm feel for you, you never see that! but, one thing my love for you just the way you are. i not love because you handsome, kind, or another. you're the worst person but i don't know why i fall in love with you. for me you're perfect. in my eyes you're more than word called 'perfect' just you that make me smile, laugh, feel in loved again since he leave me. just you there's in my life.

but now! I'm not to love you again. it's time to move on. I'm trying! of first, i don't wanna like you, but i can't stop it. that feel show own. i can't prevent!
kalo disuruh milih lebih baik dari awal gue nggak usah ngeladenin lo, nggak usah kenal lo. if i must forget you! it's hurt. if God give me a chance to reply this time, gue cuma mau kalau tuhan nggak usah memperkenalkan kita berdua, gue nggak usah tau lo, dan lo nggak usah tau gue. maybe it's better if we know but we always fight, never got along. i'm tired with this all!!
i want like old. i don't know you. nggak kenal jelas sama lo, not feeling for you, semenjak kenal lo gue jadi orang yang cengeng, lemah! gak bangetlah. from this all, i just want you to know what I'm fell. tapi lo nggak mungkin baca blog gue, hmmm...oke it's time to move on. thanks for everything:')

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Thanks For Being With Me

thanks for the best expectation that you give for me

thanks because you've already make my day was beautiful

thanks for making me realize that we must fight for life and that life must be forded through the spirit, struggle, and willpower

thanks because you've give me the biggest happiness in my life

thanks because you've already give me something that anyone can't give for me

thanks for teach me to pray for the beloved people in my life can happy

thanks for change my empty life becomes full of color

thanks for become only guy extraordinary and unmatched ever entered in my life

thanks for being the only person who can make me give in

thanks......for being my guardian!
thanks......for being king for my life!

Who have experienced,
Nida Riandita

Weird oh Freak oh Awkward

ohhhh back oh backkk....please back the nice the beautiful moment. enough tired trough this fuckin life. I entered high school during all devastated, bleak, i Swear!
let alone all the strange apartment, I should be doing aja confused ancur value all, the state of chaos. apartment is not really only a few are cool and fun I think that could make the rest crazy madness tacky.
may take time yes it all, did not have that instant all need to process as well as about the solidity of a force
I miss you always miss you, miss the best force can be like a 'fraternity' when they used to be. I've tried to strong and happy but still can not wrote it all different, all strange. very strange. they are not what I wanted, happy-happy over my suffering. senengnya wants his own self. damn!
for now I try to be patient aja times yes. time must continue to walk, run every heart with a smile and i believe everything gonna be alright. and i believe All that happened will of beautiful someday

Kamis, 14 April 2011

I Know I'm The Worst Person!

I don't know must what I'm said. I don't know must I'm doing. I don't know must what I'm thinking. I don't know how i can make you to like me. i don't know it's true or false. To like you is true or false. I try, try to hate you, forget you from my mind. But it's not working. I like you like i love you.

Now in the dark night. In the nice song. The song that I'm sing for you:

Look here
Look nice and close
This is where we are now

From this day on until forever more
We've walked our own ways
Wasting our days
On things we thought
Worth it

We've set our own course
Spending our time
With people we thought
Cared We were two lost souls
Finding our way like fools

From choosing the wrong partners
Until finding each other

Come what may
I'll be with you forever 'till the end
Come what may
We'll be together hand in hand
For I am yours and you are mine
Until the end of time

i don't know how much words that i give for you again to show for you if I'm in love with you, don't care about what say did,don't care about they said I'm give up!
Not what-ever whatever what do you want what ever what you do

Senin, 11 April 2011

keep stay cool and calm

for what else to look the past if we still have and still there's something that we must think, we should do that. All problems there's must a reason, something we do also must have a specific reason. time hone for a reason.
we never know what happen in future.
keep stay cool. fight. and SMILE:D
because smile is pretty
smile is happy
smile is show all what we feel
and every people that have a future is a success people
my teacher said to me "Nida, what's your future?" and my answered is "i don't know miss, it's too long for i think now" and my teacher said "hmmm i think you are the badly person" me"why?" my teacher "For yourselves what will if do in the future, what are you thinking for the future. if that's a problem you do not think what other problems. should be all messed up"

from that i thinks again.
selama ini gue selalu mikirin masa lalu terus, apa yang udah terjadi di masa lalu, kenangan-kenangan di masa lalu. jarang banget gue mikirin masa depan, gimana nantinya gue. buruk banget ya gue? iya! gak banget ya gue? iya! sekarang gue mau berubah. jadi ninit yang mikirin gimana masa depannya.
the beautiful past was make me forgeted all things about myself
let's make the beautiful future with the beautiful past with the beautiful person:)
i'm make this for always remind me if we must thinks about future not we're past!

Who's the girl don't want to look the past,
Nida Riandita

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

You Weren't Here

You are the best thing.

No many word that i can give you, just wanna say if i'm scared if you far from me, i'm scared if you say goodbye to me. Because i'm scared if tomorrow i can't see you again:')

Who have experienced,

Nida Riandita

welcome to my new live

hallo......sempat beberapa hari menghilang dari peradapan blog, no post. nggak buka, ilang aja dari blog and........i'm here! ngilang itu karena gue sibuk(oke gue tau gue sok. cukup! gak usah ngasih tau) tapi serius. ini baru kelar UTS dan segala macam tetek bengeknya. remedlah, tugaslah, apalah. yang tiap hari kerjanya pulang sore, lanjut les sampe malem. udah deh bener bener distracted bgt. tapi akhirnya selesai, dan hasil semuanya tanggal 30 april. udah siap kok sama semuanya:) senin, 11 April 2011 besok nih mau sparing lawan SMA 54. ketemu Nadya gakyaaaa, semoga ketemu yaaaa tawiku sayang{} hmm....trus apa lagi yaaaaaaaaa, oiya. masa di kelas banyak yang cinlok hahaha banyak bgt couple di kelas, tiap hari pada pacaran kan envyyyyy huhu tau gue ngga punya pacar. hmmm tapi yasudalah i'm happy too your relationship, and hope they relationship long last:D kemaren basket cuma main-main doang pelatihnya pada nggak dateng hahaha iya main sama anak cowok juga arif, rofqi, kak toban, rara, evi, suci, vina. seru deh! ya gitu doang sih, pelatih gakdateng padahal senin sparing, yaaa semoga aja kita dapet yang terbaik, team basket cewek sama cowok dapet yang terbaik:) AMINNNN!!!!

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

sweet candy♥

"Sweet, sweet lovin'
Got me going to the extreme
Won't go without it
This vibe has got a hold on me
Satisfying, baby
Let me show you what I'm made of
No doubt about it boy
Got me feeling crazy
Can't get enough

Baby, baby, baby, won't you come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy"


lagi jaman galau apa gimana sih? setiap buka timeline pasti ada aja yang ngegalau. gue sendiri juga gitu. sering galau. tapi kalo gue galau gue lebih sering crying on my bed. listen mellow song. or post in this blog gue sangat jarang mengekspos kegalauan gue di twitter. kadang iya sih. bahkan kalau lagi gak galau pun gue suka dikira galau sama temen-temen gue.
birthday wish gue kebanyakan "no more galau ya nit" "jangan galau lagi ya nit" dan BLAH!

baru aja baca blognya kak Atha di postnya kak atha ada post yang berjudul "No Galau Allowed" demi deh disitu gue banyak mikir lagi, gue banyak instrokpeksi diri juga.
1. buat apa sih galau diumbar-diumbar
2. we don't just one person that have a problems
3. every human have a problem. And that was humanely
4. and it's most important. Galau tidak boleh dari 5 menit.

itu kata-kata dari Ka Atha.
nangis. sedih. ngerasa sendiri. kecewa. marah! itu wajar. malah aneh kalo manusia hidup tanpa masalah. tanpa kecewa. setiap manusia pasti pernah merasa kecewa, entah karena temennya atau pacarnya, dan ujung-ujungnya. Galau! (mungkin cowok jarang ya)
eh! tapi nggak juga sih. temen gue cowok ada yang sering ngegalau di twitter.
so, it's evidence if every human in this earth must have a problem. we don't own. we still have a person who love us in around. don't care about what they did.

remember! don't too much show your sadness.
because it make you weak in their eyes.


someday! that was a laying words. it was a impossible situation that someone give for us.
sampai sekarang pun orang yang memberikan kata-kata someday ke gue belom muncul juga ke depan muka gue. karena kata someday itu emang ngga pernah ada. ngga nyata!. anything that he said for us if he as "SOMEDAY" don't through that with a big hope.
you said
"someday we will together"
"someday we can through this relationship"
"someday we can happy"
someday? someday?! I'm enough tired with that words!

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

A Feel

baru sempet post lagi nih, banyak banget yang dilewatin. dan yang paling penting birthday gue. hehe oiya sebelumnya makasih banget ya yang udah ngucapin lewat bbm, twitter, sms, fb atau dari manapun. makasih makasihhhhh banget. maaf yang ngucapin di fb gak bisa dibalesin. but thank you so much guys. i love you:)

sekarang bingung mau cerita apa, baru pulang dari basket. sebenernya gak basket juga sih, tadi cuma ngomongin masalah sama bang rian dan tadinya mau nonton cowok di GOR kan eh jalanan macettttttnya gaada obat banget, pohon tumbang semua, ada kebakaran di tendean parah deh, yauda akhirnya muter balik, dan ujung ujungnya pulang-___-
oiya, tadi dia gakdateng. bbman juga sih sama dia. ya gitu lah, sampe sekarang masih bbman sih. tapi yaaa, gak penting deh ah. udah tadi pake di cie ciein segala. fak banget.
oiya masa 1 gak ngucapin birthday. jahat banget kan. kakaknya aja ngucapin, jahat emang tuh orang, menatng-mentang temenannya sama orang gaul gitu kan, ah udahlah nit lupain siapa dia coba.
dan sekarang gatau mesti ngapain, yauda post di blog aja. ngeselin kan. bete-___-
mau cerita apa ya. bingung
perasaan gue ke dia? BASI!
gatau gimana, pengen ngelupain susaaaahhhhhh!!!!emang sayangnya sama dia dari dulu mau digimanain juga susah tetep gabisa lupa. udah dp bbmnya sama cewe2 geje bikin jeles aja. semua orang di 26 ngomonginnya dia, dikit dikit itu ganteng ya, eh si itu ganteng banget deh. males dengerinnya. gimana gue bisa lupa yaAllah bete dongT_T
dan kenapa ya kalo setiap kali gue ketemu sama dia bawaannya pasti melting. pasti! pasti!yakin, rese kan dasar manusia bikin melting hadeh

ah udah ah geje nih. gak bener kan ngomongnya haha udah deh segitu aja
19?hmmm......lagi berusaha ngelupain perasaan gue ke dia:)

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

A Rocket To The Moon

haaaaaaaayyy!! i'm wanna tell something that make me happy.
baru aja pulang dan langsung duduk depan komputer, dan post. yaaaaa i just got a tix A Rocket To The Moon(arttm) haaaaa seneng banget akhirnya NICK SANTINO I'M COMING!!!!

perjuangannya dapetin ini tiket gila banget. awalnya belom izin sama bokap gue mau nonton, duit juga belom ditangan kan bokap keluar kota seminggu dan baru balik ke jakarta tgl 4-3-11 sementara penjualan tiketnya 5-3-11 padahal nonton itu gak murah dan harus izin dari kapan taunya kan, emang sih pas pertama diomongin ke bokap doi nolak mentah-mentah, dia langsung masang muka jutek dan tampang ngeselinnya. tapi setelah 10-15 kalimat dari gue akhirnya dibolehin juga.
besoknya nih hari H-nya pagi pagi banget jam stgh7 gue udah mandi, siap siap mau kerumahnya metsa. yang rencana pergi gue,metsa,nurul,anggia,fathia. itu juga msh bingung kesana naik apa. dan anggia bilang temen adeknya antri dari jam 6 dapet nomer antrian 130. set deh kan. udah tuh rencana mau naik ojek aja karna gak mau ngerepotin bokap. eh pas banget pas banget gue mau turun.....UJAN!!!! huah paling kesel emang kalo mau jalan ujanT.T yauda akhirnya gue ngerayu bokap dan dianterin ke rumahnya metsa, nyampe rumah metsa ternyata anggia masih nunggu bokapnya mandi (akhirnya naik mobil anggia dianter sama papanya anggia. hiyah baik sekali ya papanya anggia sama kyk anaknya haha) dan itu tuh udah jam 8. tolong ya jam 8. sementara anggia baru keluar dari rumahnya-____-

akhirnya gue nungguin aja sama metsa di teras rumahnya. akhirnya jam 9 kurang 15 anggia, nurul dateng dan langsung cabssss ke pondok indah rumahnya adrie soebono. bokapnya anggia udah ngebut banget tuh udah tok cer banget deh bawa mobilnya dan kita baru sampe rumahnya Adrie Soebono jam 9.15 dan itu udah PENUH! banget rumahnya ckckck emang ya om Adrie gaada obat deh kalo bikin acara. mana gerimis kan-_-
nah katanya kan bokapnya fathia udah ngambil nomer antrian(fathia jadinya nyusul langsung ke pond. indah) katanya sih dapet nomer 85 sama 85 bagus deh kan bisa dpt presale 1, fathia punya 3 nmr urut 85,86(kertas merah) sama 414(kertas putih) eh ternyataaaa pas ditanyain nomer yg 85&86(kertas merah) bukan tiket arttm tapi sara siapalah itu. udah nyesek!!! eh bokapnya anggia tiba tiba nyamperin dan ngasih nomer kertas putih 282 alhamdulillah gak jadi 400. tapi tetep aja gak dapet preasale 1 dapetnya presale 2. yauda deh gppkan. eh tapi ternyata koutanya cuma boleh batas max 4tiket-_____- yauda kan bingung kita ber6. yauda nyari2, nanya2 ke tukang parkir gaada yang punya nmr kupon. soalnya bokapnnya anggia dapet kupon dari tukang parkir yang panitia juga. Dan emang udah ditakdirin buat nonton arttm kali ya, metsa ketemu temen smpnya dia cuma beli sendiri dan ternyata nmr urutnya dia 267 haha alhamdulillah!!! dikasih jalan lagi, yauda metsa sama nurul ikut temen smpnya, gue berempat sama anggia,fathia,adeknya anggia.

kita nunggu tuh sekitar 4 jam gitu deh, jam 1an baru dipanggil nomer urutnya. haaaaaahhhh pas dapet bukti pembayaran tiket legaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! banget, kayaknya perjuangannya tuh gak sia sia banget dengan tiket ditangan hehe 10 mei dituker tiket di kantor java musik indo dan 14 arttm dateng. nonton ahhh senangnya. ARTTM:)

in this post:

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011


haiiiiiiiiiiii my sweet blog. baru pulang dari sekolah abis basket capeeeekkkkk banget banget. capeknya bukan karena basket tapi karna ketawa hahaha iya sumpah td basket gak serius banget. ketawa terus. sampe rumah mandi, buka laptop sambil nonton cinta cenat cenut halaaah *remaja labil* bismanya ganteng loh hehehe

oke tadi basket.....................hmmm
ya ketemu dia lagi dia lagi. aaaaaahhhh kenapa sih??!!!
iya tadi lagi asik asik main lagi asik asik becanda, gara gara ada dia jadi bengong, jadi diem. dan akhirnya gue diem duduk dibawah ring sambil ngeliatin dia daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn yak melting lagi melting lagi. aaaahhhh please bngt kenapa sih kenapa sih???? lo kira enak kayak gini. gak tau-___________-
ya jadi cuma ditegor kenapa bengong terus, kenapa diem terus, bilang aja lagi mikirin remed, malah diketawain kan, kenyataannya? yayaya the simple answere is YOU! because of you i'm like this, like a crazy person, like another person.
gue gak jadi diri gue sendiri, jadi aneh. ah udah ah. bete sendiri kan ceritanya.

udah deh kapan kapan cerita lagi ya.


Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

The Fact is............

gue kecewa sama lo.
ya itu satu satunya ucapan yang aada di otak gue. gue ngga tau lagi harus ngomong gimana supaya bisa ngerubah keadaan kayak dulu lagi.
gue ngga suka situasi kayak sekarang. kita kayak....................argggghhh apalah kayak orang ngga kenal, kayak orang ngga pernah deket. kayak orang yang gak mau tau satu sama lain. lo udag dia. itu yang ngebuat lo kayak gini? all of reason that you give for me not enough for tell how i very disappointed of you. i can't explain what i feel, just can write a some words in here. i know you never care of me, i know you like her, i know. really i know and i can see this.
tapi bukan berarti kita kayak orang ngga kenal gitu kan, gue mau kita kayak dulu just we there's not him and NOT HER!!!
gue tau gue ngga sempurna. gue jauh dari sempurna. tapi rasa sayang gue ke lo lebih dari semputna. gue rela ngerubah diri gue jadi yang lo mau. asal lo ngomong, lo bilang jangan diem aja.
i never know what your mean if you keep silent just said in your heart. i never know what you feel if you keep stay cool like nothing happend. i never know if you like her or not if you us to be like another person. please don't act like we never close.
gue gak tau gimana perasaan gue setiap kali dia cerita sama gue tentang gimana deketnya lo berdua. gimana kalian bbman, gimana lo sering ngeledekin dia
itu harusnya gue!!!!!dulu gue yang ada di posisi itu. itu harusnya gue bukan dia. dulu lo yang selalu bbmin gue, dulu gue yang selalu isengin, bukan dia

yaaa maybe is the way for me that god give for me. maybe is the best way. but, WHAT-A-BEST-WAY??? if my tears always out every i thinks about you. every i remember you. if my heart always broke every see you with her.

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011


listen this and enjoy guys...........
cinta 3 by voiceless&soulastic

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

I ♥ voiceless&soulastic

this is a cool band for this year. yeah i love V&S(voiceless&soulastic) i really love this band. i fallin in love with this band wuhiiiiiiii!!! baru baru ini mereka baru launching soulizer di MU cafe tepatnya tanggal 15th february 2011 acaranya asik banget. seru. keren. cool banget deh pokoknya. salut buat V&S. mungkin sih akhir maret albumnya udah beredar di toko-toko kaset. mohon dibeli ya belinya yang original oke jangan yang bajakan:)

and this is a pict at Launching SOULIZER at MU cafe, 15th february 2011

(right-left) Ka Uap(vocalist), Ka Tegar (basist), Ithan, and Me


Me and Ka Raka

voiceless&soulastic in stage
what a great. cool performance
good job kakak kakak

Ka Raka:)

more info:
