Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Karena kamu, saya berfikir.

Ada yang bilang "Dari api saya belajar. Semangat, gejolak, dan panas itu beguna bila pas takarannya. Namun menjadi bumerang disaat berlebih" dan saya pun berfikir, semua yang dia bilang, benar!

Dan ada yang bilang juga, katanya "Mantan itu utusan tuhan untuk kita lebih baik. Belajar dari salah, untuk komitmen di buku berikutnya" dari situ, saya berfikir lebih banyak lagi. Menjadikan semua yang pernah terjadi adalah rencana Tuhan untuk membuat kita lebih baik lagi di kedepannya. Di halaman selanjutnya, atau di bab berikutnya.

Saya pun pernah dengar orang itu bilang "Berpikir yang kemarin, khawatir tentang besok, menghilangkan kebahagiaan. Bahagia itu kita bisa hidup saat ini" kalimat ini yang sangat terngiang di telinga saya, kalimat ini yang sangat melekat di otak saya. Bahwa kita harus lebih bersyukur untuk dapat melihat apa yang dapat kita lihat hari ini. Semua ciptaan-Nya. Mensyukuri semua anugrah yang diberikan-Nya. Dan saya berfikir untuk selalu bahagia di tiap harinya.

Orang itu juga mengatakan "Saat dewasa kelak. Saya nggak ingin jadi DEWA, yang berada di atas manusia. Saya cuma ingin jadi PADI merunduk, yang berguna buat manusia" dan saya kembali berfikir. Untuk apa jadi orang hebat, dan terkenal, dan.....apalah kalau tidak dihormati orang lain, bukannya setiap orang ingin dirinya dihormati orang lain? Jadilah, padi yang merunduk yang berguna untuk orang lain, karena pasti kehadiran kita disitu lebih diingkan oleh orang lain.

Saya juga dengar dia menulis "tapi manusia itu seniman yang ngebuat sebuah karya, sebuah produk, dan dasyatnya membuat faith, atas izin 'DIA'" disini. Saya. Speechless.

Dia juga membuat saya berfikir dengan kata-katanya "Capek itu biasanya disaat kita lupa bersyukur. Disaat inget bersyukur cuma ada kata puas" sejak saat itu pun, tidak pernah lupa saya menucap syukur, atas semua yang diberikan, atas semua kebahagian, dan orang-orang yang telah diberikan oleh-Nya yang berada di sekitar saya. Terima Kasih. Alhamdulillah.

Kata-kata dia juga mengingatkan saya. Saat dia mengatakan "Kita nggak bisa memaafkan seseorang karena kita dalam kondisi bodoh untuk bisa mengerti esensi manusia tidak luput dari kesalahan" dari situ saya kembali berfikir, dan saya langsung mengerti, kalau setiap manusia adalah 'makhluk hidup yang diciptakan Tuhan dan makhluk hidup yang tidak luput dari kesalahan', dari sekarang mencoba untuk cerdas, mencoba untuk mempraktekan semua yang dia bilang, yaitu memaafkan segala kesalahan orang lain.

Dan dia juga membuat saya menjadi orang yang selalu mengucapkan terima kasih untuk alam semesta karena dia menulis "Terima kasih semesta. Untuk oksigen yang tiap hari ku hirup. Untuk air yang tiap hari ku minum. Untuk kehidupan yang lebih dari indah" saya berterima kasih kepada kamu semesta, karena telah memberikan segalanya yang kita butuhkan.

Terakhir, saya pingin bilang
Karena dia, saya berfikir
Karena dia, saya mengerti
Karena dia, saya banyak belajar
Semua karena dia,
Karena dia, @TheoFaybriean

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Terima Kasih, pelajaran hidupnya.

I just found a amazing book, after looked @bismakarisma tweeted, he tweet about the book tittle "whatever you think, think the opposite" and I think to search that book at bookstore, untungnya belum sempet ke toko buku and I found that book on my brother stack books. Langsung baca dan terbengong-bengong sama isinya, banyak sekali pelajaran hidupnya.
dan memberi sebuah tamparan tentang hidup. 
I was impressed with that book.

Paul Arden gave me a motivation, an understanding about life, about patterns of thinking. In this book "think the opposite" means if other people think long hair is good for this year. Make it to be short hair, and you'll be trendsetter. It's just a little example about that book, and many things he told us to be different to others, in positive way. I'd done to write a post about "try to do something" means try to do something nice to make a batter situation. Disitu gue bilang jangan pernah takut untuk kalah, mungkin kebanyakan orang merasa gengsi atau takut sama yang namanya 'kekalahan' tapi disini gue belajar untuk berbeda dari mereka, learn to be brave. Berani untuk malu.
balik lagi ke buku, i found some quote on this book, such as:
"It's not how good you are, It's how good you want to be"
This quote was so amazing, all the time we're busy to found the way to look good in front of other, busy with all the stuff we had. But, from this I realize if I never be a good human if i just think how to look good in front of others, but the real good I am is what I am to be.

"You are the person you chose to be"
I chose my future by my self, not him, her, or them.

"It's not where you take things from - it's where you 
take them to"
Ini bukan dimana gue menerimanya, tapi ini dimana gue mendapatkannya. WOW! pelajaran banget. It's for a copycat maybe. Because the writer describe this page about a thief.

and that's all my review for my favorite book, The book that can give me A PRECIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE. Something that i can never get at school or when my lecturer teaching. This book is like push me to always thinking brave. no mainstream lah istilahnya jaman sekarang. Dan sekali lagi, yang sangat sangat gue pelajari dari buku ini, Pikirkan Apa yang Orang Tidak Pernah Pikirkan. It's the way simple sentence to end this post.

Yang memikirkan apa yang orang lain tidak pernah pikirkan,

Nida Riandita 

New age, New way to think

Long time no post, I enough busy with school assignment and absolutly with this fuckin life.

I just wanna tell you now i had a new AGE. 17th. In my country 17th means everything, means you' grow up, you begin to look up the 'real' world, you get your identity card, and your driving license, you get full of confidence of your parents, and the most important your responsibility is more bigger than your age, before. Start to think up, not childish anymore. Be more think to future, not just want to have fun. Have-fun still the most important thing to refresh our feel&brain. But, there should be limits. I am young, and i wanna through this life with fun. with HAHA (it means with laugh, smile, and caring of each other). with Smile (as always). and try to not cry in front of others. Cry for a baby, and cry is just show if you're weak(not including for cry because too much happy, or sad of something tragedy).

And i wanna hope in my new age, I would to be my self. And my bad habit gone. I wish.

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

We miss you Rizky Amirul H.

kyyyy.......udah sebulan aja ya lo nggak ada. Asli ky, kelas sepi looohhh. Kalo kelas Jerman udah nggak ada sasaran lagi Ky hehe you know what ky, kita semua kangen loh sama lo. Kmrn gue mimpiin lo ky, serius deh. Di mimpi gue lo dateng ke kelas, terus kita semua pada bilang "UEL GUE KANGEN SAMA LO" ehhhhh lonya malah diem aja.

Gimana ky? enak nggak disana? kangen nggak sama kita semua? haha Asassin rasanya nggak lengkap sekarang walaupun mechin sama fariz udah masuk. tetep aja kayak ada yang kurang. udah nggak ada yang gangguin gue lagi, nggak ada yang latahin evy lagi, gak ada yang suka ngomong "sok damai deh lo" haha kangen. Maybe your happy now in heaven. udah tenang ya ky nggak mikirin pelajaran lagi? haha wherever you are, whoever your is now. Asassin really miss you Rizky Amirul H. seriously you'll always in our mind&heart.

Rest In Peace, Rizky Amirul H.

And this is gonna be our last pict (Asassin goes to Bandung KM 19)

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Try to do something

Competition. satu kata yang gue pikirkan, ketika gue mau nulis ini di blog. Ekskul gue disekolah basket, itu berhubungan dengan competition, sebuah games pasti ada yang menang dan ada yang kalah. juara 1 gak mungkin ada 2 (dalam pertandingan basket), juara 2 juga gak mungkin ada 2. yang namanya juara pasti cuma 1, maka dari itu kita harus berusaha jadi yang terbaik itulah. To the point aja deh. why we must afraid to do something to be a SOMETHING BETTER!why we must afraid to lose, whereas we practice and learn

kenapa? karena kalah itu sesuatu yang memalukan? something that show if we are loser or afraid people despise us. Apa salahnya mencoba? gue yakin atlit-atlit yang udah jago sekarang juga pernah kalah. contohnya aja yang gampang Taufik Hidayat yang sering kita liat di tv, dia terkenal banget kan sebagai atlit yang "jago" badminton, tapi kenyataannya dia juga pernah kalah. itu tuh yang namanya atlit sejati not afraid of defeat. But, try to be a winner. Try to be something better, try to be the best of the best. We never know what happen in future, if we give up now. The fast is we live in reality, not always happy ending. But, we can make sad ending to be happy ending if we want to try, and NOT AFRAID to try something.Pelatih gue pernah bilang "kalian masih belajar, wajar kalo masih salah. gak ada salah nyoba, kalo ada tanding-tanding gitu ikut aja, menang/kalah urusan belakangan" itulah yang gue camkan saat ini. Tapi pandangan itu selalu disalah artikan sama temen-temen gue yang lain. Kalo sekarang sih udah whatever they say deh.

"if you're not making mistakes, you're not taking risks, and that means you're not going anywhere. The key is to make mistakes faster than competition, so you have more change to learn and win"
-John W. Holt, Jr.

Amazing. keren banget itu qoutes, semua yang gue tulis. Intinya cuma itu, ada di qoutenya John W. Holt. He's true, we must more brave to taking risks, if we afraid for taking a risks, we're not going anywhere. We would stuck! it's means we're loser. Thanks for read, and try to be winner:)

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011


I love this class too much.
i love when we together. spend our time with laugh, smile, joke, and everything that make our day was fun. i love when we laugh together, tell our story. joke. and anything. i love when we show to another class if we're solid:)

can make me so happy
can forget my problem
so understand of us
caring of each other

when, August 22th 2011, we had a......breakfasting together. it's like random dinner:D at KFC tebet, kita janjian jam 4, tapi sampe jam 4 pun gue nggak tau mau takein tempat sama siapa. pare gabisa(parah lo re). ikki gak ada kendaraan, yauda akhirnya gue telfon gilang dan dia bisa nemenin gue buat take tempat(Big thanks ya lang) but we thinks that's not enough for stayed at kfc only, dan kita mutusin buat jalan ke monas.

oke, we just agree with that's idea. and here we go, Monas. But, the situation is not for us. Traffic jam was so sucks! can you believed? jam 8 aja masih di kuningan, sementara kita caw dari kfc jam 7. Oke, maybe we must change that plan, Monas maybe for the next destination for us. And change to be go to EPICENTRUM. maybe it's better than monas. that's a good idea from girls. finally, we arrived at Epicentrum on 8.15pm and drinked at Comic Cafe. and stayed in there until 9.30pm. That was gonna be crazy night for Assasin. that was awesome. we had a joke, tell story, and absolutely take some photos. That's was FUN:D thanks for the precious time, ASSASIN:)

keep Rock!
and Keep Solid.
Love ya:D

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

New C.L.A.S.S

hello. with me again. long time no post!new life. new people. new friends. new classmates. new chairmate. new teacher. new knowledge. and NEW LOVE!
how color our life. every hour, every minute, every second, it's must changed. Life must go on. let's we start to tell my story.

First, my new class was so bored. feel so different with my old class, XC. but time go on, finally i feel so comfortable with my class XI IS 2. i feel enjoy, really, really enjoyed. i feel we're care. not that words that i can say, beside I LOVE THIS CLASS TO MUCH{}:* you rock guys!!! keep rock, keep solid. we are family. ASSASIN.

New friends. i love ASSASIN's friendship. we're not group, but we're all together! i love how we are SOLID. KEEP ROCKIN GUYS evy, caca, karlina, ara, hilwa, vika, nanda, yumna, danty, kania, karin, karina, jasmin, iren, uray, ega, diana, aci, gilang, reza, miguel, mecin, naufal, delpri, pare, fariz, faiz, aris, adiv, alvin, gilman, ikki, zein, dll. Hope we're can solid until........whatever!forever maybe:D

and i know whoever you are. we are friends. and for you, i know it's denial. so, i ignore this feeling for you. but, thanks for that smile, and laugh. keep friendship!

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

I Addict to................

I addict to.............

since i knew the song title "JET LAG" that's song so amazing! so make me miss someone in there. waaaaaaaaaaaa i feel so fly every listen this song.
here it is JET LAG

What time is it where you are?
I miss you more than anything
Back at home you feel so far
Waitin for the phone to ring
It's gettin lonely livin upside down
I don't even wanna be in this town
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up......to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
so jetlagged

What time is it where you are?
5 more days and i'll be home
I keep your picture in my car
I hate the thought of you alone
I been keeping busy all the time
Just to try to keep you off my mine
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
so jetlagged

I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I wanna share your horizon
I miss you so bad
And see the same sunrising
I miss you so bad
Turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you....
when You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged