I addict to.............
since i knew the song title "JET LAG" that's song so amazing! so make me miss someone in there. waaaaaaaaaaaa i feel so fly every listen this song.
here it is JET LAG
What time is it where you are?
I miss you more than anything
Back at home you feel so far
Waitin for the phone to ring
It's gettin lonely livin upside down
I don't even wanna be in this town
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy
You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up......to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
so jetlagged
What time is it where you are?
5 more days and i'll be home
I keep your picture in my car
I hate the thought of you alone
I been keeping busy all the time
Just to try to keep you off my mine
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy
You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
so jetlagged
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I wanna share your horizon
I miss you so bad
And see the same sunrising
I miss you so bad
Turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me
You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you....
when You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
Minggu, 31 Juli 2011
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
My New Family V&S, Soulizer

VNS(Voiceless and Soulastic) dan tentunya Soulizer yang setia banget sama VNS. kebetulan gue pengurus Soulizer. *ehem* iya gue ngerasa nyaman banget sama mereka kalo lagi ngumpul rasanya gak pengen pulang. seneng banget ngedenger banyolan mereka, dan advice mereka yang top abis. apalagi kak tegar sama kak edgar kalo ngasih advice wah mantablah. kak jordan yang gak berenti ngebanyol, sumpah bisa sampe sakit perut deh kalo dia ngebanyol hahaha kak uap yang selalu care sama Soulizer, dan si kk ganteng Ka Raka yang stay cool, kadang suka ngelawak dengan tampang flatnya haha
pokoknya seru deh sama mereka.
waaaaa miss you. terakhir ketemu di rumah kak Tegar, rame banget disana. seru banget. wah gokil lah pokoknya. sekrang kita ;agi nyiapin gathering ke 2 dirumahnya kak Edgar. anyone join? seru loh acaranya, rame banget. jangan takut garing, dan kalopun kalian belom kenal sama VNS dan Soulizer yang lain, tenang aja VNS baik baik kok, mereka semua ramah. kalo kalian udah jadi Soulizer kan berarti udah bagian dari the big family of Soulizer, jadi jangan takut nganggur sendirian. bengong-bengong. gaakan. gathering ke 2 pasti lebih seru(y)
oiya, ini info kalo kalo kalian mau join Soulizer/gatheringnya juga boleh banget. sekalian nama sekolahnya aja nih, siapa tau kebetulan ada yang satu sekolah/sekolahnya deket sama kalian yang mau daftar. ayo tunggu apalagi? hub:
Putri(@PutriOctvn) - SMA Al-Azhar Pejaten
Ninit(@nitninit) - SMAN 26 Jakarta
Ithan(@thanci) - SMAN 60 Jakarta
Denna(@dennaaaw) - SMAN 82 Jakarta
Mega(@megasubandi) - SMAN 34 Jakarta
I Call It Love

love for sure not only for boyfriend
love is universal
we can love everybody. parents. friends. boyf.sister.brother.grandma.grandpa!
i love they because i can to be my self.
if i there's beside them i can explore my hobby, story, and anything
we're laugh together. we're chated. we're cry. we're talk about anything
i love the situation when they beside me
i love the situation when i pict some pictures with them
i love when i said anything about my famz, crush, school.
i love to listening they story, crush, boyf, school. Anything!
Love you geng Fahradina&Nabilacls
happy moment,
my life
Rabu, 20 Juli 2011
Cewek berani susah itu (y)
gue baru pulang dari basket dan nyadar kalo modem gak mogok mogok lagi bufferingnya, langsung post karena udah lama gak ngepost.
ini adalah perjalanan kerumah yang...............berkesan. kenapa? karena selama perjalan gue dinasehatin abis abisan sama orang ini, dan gak tau kenapa gue wake up dengan tiba-tibanya setelah dia ngomong gitu.
gitu banget ya gue? iya sih yang dia blg itu bener? eh tapi gue gak suka kayak gitu! tapi bener, gue ini cewek manja yang gak mau susah. gue mau enaknya aja. dia bener!
that's what i'm thinking after he said something or whatever to me. it's like advice that make me wake up and see the world out side *oke gue tau ini lebay* but the fact is............he's 1000000% TRUE! That's right i hate my fuckin' spoiled.
iya, jadi di perjalanan gue itu dia tiba tiba aja bilang "naik umum dong nit sekali kali, masa mau enaknya terus. susah sekali kali, ngerasain gimana susah, jadi di bawah. jangan mau enaknya terus. kalo cewek berani susah. gini nih (y)" sip banget ya, itu nusuk banget loh.
i know if what he said to me is true. gak etis emang kalo gue selalu mau enaknya aja. di dunia ini masih banyak kok orang yang lebih susah dari gue, masih banyak yang dibawah gue. tapi gue yang udah gede(merasa banget!) emang udah harus mandiri. emang udah harus see the real world. see the cruel world. don't just look the beautiful and good part of this world. this world is big. to many things that must we feel and see in this world. in this life. in the "real" life.
ini adalah perjalanan kerumah yang...............berkesan. kenapa? karena selama perjalan gue dinasehatin abis abisan sama orang ini, dan gak tau kenapa gue wake up dengan tiba-tibanya setelah dia ngomong gitu.
gitu banget ya gue? iya sih yang dia blg itu bener? eh tapi gue gak suka kayak gitu! tapi bener, gue ini cewek manja yang gak mau susah. gue mau enaknya aja. dia bener!
that's what i'm thinking after he said something or whatever to me. it's like advice that make me wake up and see the world out side *oke gue tau ini lebay* but the fact is............he's 1000000% TRUE! That's right i hate my fuckin' spoiled.
iya, jadi di perjalanan gue itu dia tiba tiba aja bilang "naik umum dong nit sekali kali, masa mau enaknya terus. susah sekali kali, ngerasain gimana susah, jadi di bawah. jangan mau enaknya terus. kalo cewek berani susah. gini nih (y)" sip banget ya, itu nusuk banget loh.
i know if what he said to me is true. gak etis emang kalo gue selalu mau enaknya aja. di dunia ini masih banyak kok orang yang lebih susah dari gue, masih banyak yang dibawah gue. tapi gue yang udah gede(merasa banget!) emang udah harus mandiri. emang udah harus see the real world. see the cruel world. don't just look the beautiful and good part of this world. this world is big. to many things that must we feel and see in this world. in this life. in the "real" life.
a life it's just who want those to fight
life it's not just a luxury. but also
the suffering and distress
-Nida Riandita
all that lives, lives forever.
only the shell, the perishable passes away.
The spirit is without
end. eternal. deathless. namaste. nocte.
All life is an experiment.
The more experiments you make the better.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Independent.starting from your own.
this girl must to be an independent
girl, because in the future, we must also
have to defend ourselves.
for her self and another absolutely
oke that's it.
hoping to be a better person.
forgeted about dignity.
if they sell short to us, it's must they dindn't!!!
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