Minggu, 29 Mei 2011


HAPPY IS....................

When you like and feel to enjoy with

your activity and something what do you like

or what do you love

When They're beside you, your besties, your family

or your love

people are just as happy as they make up their minds to be
(Abraham Lincolin)

The purpose of our lives is to be happy
(Dalai Lama)

I'm so happy because today i found my my friends-they're in my head
(Kurt Cobain)

At times in my life the only place i have been Happy is when I am on stage
(Bob Dylan)

You can be happy when you are
(Joel Osteen)

very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking
(Marcus Aurelius)

Happy. I'm happy because i still have each other around my life, people that love, and care of me. My family, My Best Friends, and My classmate. thanks for make my day full of colors, thanks for make my day full of laugh:D

i can't describe HOW-I'M-SO-HAPPY-TO-HAVE-YOU:)

nice to know you

sedih emang nggak bisa milikin orang yang kita sayang, cuma bisa ngeliat dia bahagia dari jauh, cuma bisa ngeliat dia bisa ketawa sama orang lain, tapi itu bukan kita.

with they can laugh
with you!

gue gak menampik kalau gue BAHAGIA bisa kenal sama lo, bisa tau lo siapa, kehidupan masa lalu lo, pernah deket sama lo. gue seneng. tapi gue maunya happy ending, not sad ending. all the reason why i keep single, and i happy every doing my activity it's because you. if you happy with not i'm beside you, i'll happy too. everything that can make you happy, it's enough for me. mungkin setelah ini gue......maksudnya, kita ga akan deket lagi, ketemu mungkin. Tapi keadaannya TIDAK seperti dulu lagi, dan TIDAK seintensif dulu lagi. tapi kalau itu ngebuat gue bisa lupa sama lo ya sihlakan. tapi satu hal, gue akan tetep inget sama lo.

thanks for everything ya boy, keep say 19 and keep smile. i know you'll be better without me around you:')

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

random feel

gue gak tau harus ngomong gimana lagi, gue bukan siapa-siapanya dia, gue bukan pacar atau sahabatnya dia, dia gak lebih dari....hmm apa ya nyebutnya...hmm...kenangan masa lalu, iya itu aja deh. dia cuma kenangan masa lalu gue yang.....sempet menjadi orang yang penting bagi gue. sekarang hubungan gue sama doi udah sangat memburuk. dan disaat memburuk memburuknya hubungan gue datanglah sebuah cerita dari temen gue yang bernama Faniy dan Ithan yang menceritakan masalah yang menyangkut masalah gue dan DIA....DANG! seperti yang kita sebelumnyapun gue pernah ada masalah besar sama dia dan melaporkan masalahnya gue adalah Chacha. why?why?why?why must him? the boy that i can't see, i can't know, and i can't remember about him again. kenapa setiap masalah selalu ada nama dia, selalu berhubungan sama dia, masalah yang keliyengan dan gatau mana yang bener dan mana yang salah. kenapa sih harus selalu dia?kalo gitu kapan gue bisa lepas dari doi? kalo setiap masalah selalu menyangkut dia, ada nama DIA. kan capek lama lama kalo selalu dihubung hubungin sama dia. capek kalo emangnya gue sama dia gak ada apa apa sama dia tapi selalu dihubung hubungin, capek di kata-katain terus sama dia.

looking someone who doesn't care of me

sometimes just for looking his happy it's enough for me, and now i looking her there's beside him. and i try to keep smile in front of him:')

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

A Rocket To The Moon Concert

on 14Th May 2011 i had a great day ever!!!!!!!!!! the great and cool Saturday ever!!!! i meet NICK SANTINO, i saw him, i heard they sing in front of my eyes, i laud to him!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAA wanna scream again for him. yes i came they concert A Rocket To The Moon:D i can't describe to for how experienced my fell to saw their concert

and once again thanks for my girls ayu putri octaviani, nadya ariana, and putri karina for being me to watch A Rocket To The Moon's concert. and thanks too for metsa, anggia, nurul and fathia because you change my voucher to be a ticket, and waiting me to take that ticket, thanks so much guys. sorry to made your waiting for me:)

and here we go! the first The Downtown Fiction, i don't know what kind of that band, but i must admit if a vocalist of that band it's so HOT! hahaha yaaaps camelon:) and the next Hey Monday. i don't know too who's this band, but they're performance that was cool!!!! i love the vocalist style. And that we've been waiting for A ROCKET TO THE MOON after long wait them. he in to the stage, and NICK SANTINO............you make me wanna scream and jump to saw you. the first they sang 'on your side' I'm enjoy with they're performance, until they sing 'baby blue eyes' that's my favorite song and absolutely 'not a second to waste' we sing together, we jump together, we scream together. and they're sing 'LIKE WE USED TO' and i love Nick's faced when his sing that song. And Closed with 'Mr. Right' after finished Mr. Right they're in to backstage and we back to held and search the food because more than 5 hours we stood and just drink mineral water, and it's very tired
i have some photos of Nick Santino. Just Nick Santino.

Nick Santino


(right-left) pute-ninit-nadya-putri

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

I Love Basketball

long time no post. busy with the fuckin activities yes! I'm tired with this activities. kita baru aja selesai SCOOTER(cup of SMAN 14 Jakarta) capeknya nampol lah, dan kita cuma bisa masuk perempat final aja:( maybe next time we can to be a winner....AMIN!!) but CONGRATULATION FOR BASKETBALL BOY FOR GOT 2ND POSITION! *\:)/* but i give a big applause for basketball girl and boy:D