enough for loving you, enough for like you. enough!enough! I'm tired with all this. tired with your act, tired with you attitude. your act like you don't really care to me. it's plenty to me! to show if we'll not together.
maybe, you never know what I'm feel for you, you never see that! but, one thing my love for you just the way you are. i not love because you handsome, kind, or another. you're the worst person but i don't know why i fall in love with you. for me you're perfect. in my eyes you're more than word called 'perfect' just you that make me smile, laugh, feel in loved again since he leave me. just you there's in my life.
but now! I'm not to love you again. it's time to move on. I'm trying! of first, i don't wanna like you, but i can't stop it. that feel show own. i can't prevent!
kalo disuruh milih lebih baik dari awal gue nggak usah ngeladenin lo, nggak usah kenal lo. if i must forget you! it's hurt. if God give me a chance to reply this time, gue cuma mau kalau tuhan nggak usah memperkenalkan kita berdua, gue nggak usah tau lo, dan lo nggak usah tau gue. maybe it's better if we know but we always fight, never got along. i'm tired with this all!!
i want like old. i don't know you. nggak kenal jelas sama lo, not feeling for you, semenjak kenal lo gue jadi orang yang cengeng, lemah! gak bangetlah. from this all, i just want you to know what I'm fell. tapi lo nggak mungkin baca blog gue, hmmm...oke it's time to move on. thanks for everything:')