gue ditakdirin buat jadi ninit. gue udah ditakdirin punya orang tua yang agakover. gue ditakdirin ngga jadi orang yang pinter-pinter amat. gue ditakdirin hidup dikeluarga yang sederhana. gue ditakdirin buat sendiri. gue ditakdirin sekolah di 26. gue ditakdirin punya body ngga sexy kayak megan fox. gue ditakdirin buat jadi orang yang sensitive, cepet marah,egois.
jelek banget gue. ancur banget gue. tapi sejelek-jeleknya tadir gue ngga boleh ngeluh. yaaaa life must goes on. apapun yang terjadi inilah gue, gue udah dikasih ini semua sama Tuhan. walaupun gue ngga nyaman dengan gue, ya harus hadapin. kita ngga boleh ngelawan takdir juga.
banyak juga kok yang orang ngga bisa dapet tapi gue bisa dapet, tapi banyak juga yang orang bisa dapet tapi ngga bisa gue dapet. tapi kenapa ya gue sangat tidak nyaman dengan hidup gue.
gue ditakdirin bukan jadi orang yang bisa membuat orang lain tersenyum karena ada gue disitu. gue ditakdirin buat jadi orang biasa-biasa aja. gue ditakdirin bukan jadi cewek cantik. kalo dipanjangin bakalan panjang bngt.
bener ngga sih gue? salah ngga sih gue? gue udah bingung sama semuanya. banyak orang yang bikin kecewa sampe gue kayak gini
Kamis, 16 Desember 2010
ngga tau kenapa sekarang gue ngerasa sendiri banget. gue ngerasa ngga ada yang care sama gue, ngga ada yang peduli sama gue. gue aja yang ngerasa kayak gitu apa emang kenyataannya kayak gitu. semuanya berubah. berubah total. dulu ngga kayak gini, dulu gue punya bnyk temen disekitar gue, gue punya banyak orang yang peduli sama gue, gue punya banyak orang yang perhatian sama gue. tapi sekarang NOTHING. gue ngga punya siapa-siapa. gue ngerasa kenapa gue sendirian terus sih. apa emang gue ditakdirin buat kayak gini, apa emang gue ditakdirin buat dijauhin, apa emang gue ditakdirin buat sendiri kayak gini. bener-bener sendiri. gue ngga tau harus gimana. marah.kesel.sedih.bahagia.atau apa.
gue mau lo yang dulu
gue mau ketawa lagi sama lo
gue mau lo perhatian ke gue lagi
gue mau lo peduli lagi sama gue
gue ngga mau lo berubah
gue pengen kita kayak dulu, bukan kita yang sekarang
gue mau ketawa lagi sama lo
gue mau lo perhatian ke gue lagi
gue mau lo peduli lagi sama gue
gue ngga mau lo berubah
gue pengen kita kayak dulu, bukan kita yang sekarang
Selasa, 14 Desember 2010
this life..........
"this life just for those want fight"
we trough a life must fight for want get what us want. like...if we want a good score. we must study hard. not have fun. we must fighting for get a good score. the human never satisfied. what we get, good,bad or another. we always always complaining.
for now. i want study hard, i want to be good, i want to be fight for get what i want, i want to be better understanding, and more important i want to be useful for others, i want to be person who can make others smile or laugh if they there's beside me. i want that. i want this.
i just hope. it can work haha i mean it can granted. aminnnnnnn:)
we trough a life must fight for want get what us want. like...if we want a good score. we must study hard. not have fun. we must fighting for get a good score. the human never satisfied. what we get, good,bad or another. we always always complaining.
for now. i want study hard, i want to be good, i want to be fight for get what i want, i want to be better understanding, and more important i want to be useful for others, i want to be person who can make others smile or laugh if they there's beside me. i want that. i want this.
i just hope. it can work haha i mean it can granted. aminnnnnnn:)
Senin, 13 Desember 2010
lanjutin postan yang qoute. masih inget yang "sebaik-baiknya manusia, adalah manusia yang memberikan manfaat untuk orang lain" dalam novel tersebut gue menemukan beberapa percakapan mereka yang the best banget.
"kalau kita melihat ke dalam diri kita sendiri, kita udah jadi manusia yang seperti itu belum sih? yang memberikan manfaat untuk orang lain"
"bukan manusia yang selalu mementingkan diri sendiri, manusia yang terlalu mencintai dirinya sendiri"
"udah belum ya? gue bermanfaat bagi orang lain"
"udah belum ya? gue bisa ngasih sesuatu dalam diri gue yang bisa membuat orang lain bahagia, bisa membuat orang lain bernapas lega karena ada gue di situ"
"ancur banget gue"
"gue gue gue dan gue. gue selalu memikirkan gue sendiri"
"udah belum?"
"mudah-mudahan belum terlambat"
"kalo tuhan memberikan kebebasan bagi setiap manusia untuk memilih, gue mau memilih jadi seorang yang selalu memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain"
okeeeeeeee....itu ada beberapa kutipan dari NOVEL 5CM yang melekat banget diotak gue, yang membuat gue lebih mikir lagi, yang bikin gue terus bertanya-tanya seperti yang mereka tanyakan.
makanya sebelum terlambat gue mau jadi orang kayak gitu. orang yang memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain, jadi orang yang bisa membuat orang yang ada di deket kita menjadi lebih tenang karena ada kita disitu:)
"kalau kita melihat ke dalam diri kita sendiri, kita udah jadi manusia yang seperti itu belum sih? yang memberikan manfaat untuk orang lain"
"bukan manusia yang selalu mementingkan diri sendiri, manusia yang terlalu mencintai dirinya sendiri"
"udah belum ya? gue bermanfaat bagi orang lain"
"udah belum ya? gue bisa ngasih sesuatu dalam diri gue yang bisa membuat orang lain bahagia, bisa membuat orang lain bernapas lega karena ada gue di situ"
"ancur banget gue"
"gue gue gue dan gue. gue selalu memikirkan gue sendiri"
"udah belum?"
"mudah-mudahan belum terlambat"
"kalo tuhan memberikan kebebasan bagi setiap manusia untuk memilih, gue mau memilih jadi seorang yang selalu memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain"
okeeeeeeee....itu ada beberapa kutipan dari NOVEL 5CM yang melekat banget diotak gue, yang membuat gue lebih mikir lagi, yang bikin gue terus bertanya-tanya seperti yang mereka tanyakan.
makanya sebelum terlambat gue mau jadi orang kayak gitu. orang yang memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain, jadi orang yang bisa membuat orang yang ada di deket kita menjadi lebih tenang karena ada kita disitu:)
Senin, 06 Desember 2010
Recommend song for you...this song is good
I'm checking your pulse
I'm giving you air
But your body disagrees
And no it don't care at all
I'm wasting my time
Now your eyes roll awake
You're looking at me You say
"Darling what happened Did I fall asleep?"
And you carry me home
Cause I know I wasn't here
I'm closing your blinds
I'm shutting your eyes
And now I....
I'm afraid I have to go Whoa
I'd sing you a song
But I'm feeling quite off
In my heart It's occupied
And now's not the time
Let's try this again
And this time don't laugh
Cause I'm working on my sentences
I'm working on my play on words
I'll get it this time
If I am a clock
Than you are the time
I'm patiently waiting In your out of line
And I'll be the question
I'm patiently waiting In your out of line
And I'll be the question
If you'll be the answer
my boyf is twin...wowww :o

there are my boyfriend..
hahaha absolutely noooooo!!!!!
but i wish YES:')
lagi liat-liat foto mereka
yang numpuk di laptop gue. dan pas lagi liat
ngerasa ada kemiripan diantara mereka
pertama. Rahang!!!! rahangnya mirip banget
kedua. Rambut!!!! rambutnya modelnya sama cuma beda warna
ketiga. GANTENGNYA!!! hahahaha iya sama sama ganteng
dua duanya sama-sama ganteng.
dua-duanya pacar gue hehehe:p
for this time. you agree with me right?
they are like twin.
but the same for they are
a rocket to the moon
and!!!!!!!!! the coolest Band for this year is.................
you know why i like this band?
1. Like We used to
why i must like this song because
this song have only meaning
not only meaning. but wonderfull meaning:)
2. i think about you everyday
from the tittle we know is the song is so deep
yaaawwww...and the music this song
is very nice and good
3. I'm afraid of losing you
this a good song. i like this song.
i like the meaning of the lyrics
and i love this music:)
4. I'll be your sunset
the meaning of this song. very wonderful
and the good song.
it's song for the couple who sing for his girlf/boyf
5. Not a second to waste
I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"a rocket to the moon"
you know why i like this band? like but LOVE *yeaaaaaay* i love this band......
it's because all the song of this band is very nice
and i love the vocalist too............
he is 'NICK SANTINO' :****
yeaaaaah!!! i love him. because he so handsome
and he is very cool:)
some song from this band that i like...........
some song from this band that i like...........
1. Like We used to
why i must like this song because
this song have only meaning
not only meaning. but wonderfull meaning:)
2. i think about you everyday
from the tittle we know is the song is so deep
yaaawwww...and the music this song
is very nice and good
3. I'm afraid of losing you
this a good song. i like this song.
i like the meaning of the lyrics
and i love this music:)
4. I'll be your sunset
the meaning of this song. very wonderful
and the good song.
it's song for the couple who sing for his girlf/boyf
5. Not a second to waste
I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The HOTTEST boy for this year is.......................
"Andrew Garfield"
*prookk....prooook...proookkk* i saw him on movie 'the social network'
you know? movie tells about a man who make facebook.
and in this movie. he as Eduardo Saverin!!!!
the first time i saw the cover of this movie.
i said "wowww..who's this? he look like very handsome"
and when i watch and saw him
and when i watch and saw him

.........what a cool boy huh???? at first sight(unyuuuuuuu)

...........he's very very cool(*_*)
Jumat, 03 Desember 2010
when i see your face...............
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hairFalls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say.........
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you areAnd when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are....
bright future
bright future? atau cita cita. pasti semua orang punya cita-cita. yang nentuin masa depan atau cita-cita kita sendiri. bukan orang tua kita. tapi kenapa orang tua kita seolah yang akan membentuk kita jadi yang mereka mau. i want have fun now, but they told me for study. they always told me for study, study, study and study. i want to be something tapi bukan bentukan dari orang tua gue, gue mau melakukan yang gue seneng, yang gue mau.
cita-cita gue sederhana. gue pengen orang suka baca cerita gue. gue pengen orang terinspirasi baca cerita gue, dan gue pengen orang terhibur baca cerita gue. udah itu aja. itu cita-cita gue pengen jadi novelis. tapi gue yakin orang tua gue ngga akan ngedukung. padahal itu lah yang gue suka. gue suka seni. tapi pasti mereka ngga akan pernah ngerti dan ngga mau gue jadi kayak gitu.
i want trough a life with what i want. that make me happy, anything that i like. and i want. not from my parents. just from my self, anythings will be wonderful if we through something with your heart. not cause them, him or her. just from your heart.
cita-cita gue sederhana. gue pengen orang suka baca cerita gue. gue pengen orang terinspirasi baca cerita gue, dan gue pengen orang terhibur baca cerita gue. udah itu aja. itu cita-cita gue pengen jadi novelis. tapi gue yakin orang tua gue ngga akan ngedukung. padahal itu lah yang gue suka. gue suka seni. tapi pasti mereka ngga akan pernah ngerti dan ngga mau gue jadi kayak gitu.
i want trough a life with what i want. that make me happy, anything that i like. and i want. not from my parents. just from my self, anythings will be wonderful if we through something with your heart. not cause them, him or her. just from your heart.
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